Advocating the Inner Artist ~ 19 Feb 2016

As the Sun prepares to enter Pisces and slosh around in collective sensitivities, two other major support systems for creative energy enhancement lurk within the celestial canopy. No doubt it is time to awaken the inner artist.

Those outside the realm of astrology often poke fun at astrology because, according to their point of view, in every astrological session, it is said, “you’re very creative.” The truth is, everyone possesses God-given talent. An investigation of ones horoscope discloses what those talents and creative attributes happen to be. Some people can paint, play music, put words on paper. Others can invent widgets or life-aiding devices. There are those who can whip together chemical elements and create substances and compounds that benefit life. Some can knock out computer code at nearly the speed of light. Some can motivate and inspire others to exceed personal expectations.

Regardless of the vehicle and display of talent, each and every soul possesses creative juice in the core of its being.

As the Sun makes its annual trek through Pisces, presumably some pre-equinox stirring awakens and reawakens the inner artist within, however it is that one may define that personal life artistry.

Over the next few days, Ceres, the ultimate celestial drum banger, aligns with Neptune in Pisces. The invocation of this alignment can best be accomplished with full unabashed, unapologetic advocacy of all creative essence, talent and skill. Should one lament that they would like their signing voice, literary skills, code designs or what have you to be recognized, Ceres to Neptune asks a question or two. “Who knows about your talent? Has your creativity been engaged, applied and signed, sealed and delivered to the collective? If not, what are you waiting for?” Paraphrasing Ceres in Pisces, “If lightning strikes a nearby bush and it bursts into flames, you’re likely to call the fire brigade and look for a hose instead of realizing you’ve been summoned by above.”

In fact, every time the creative urges strike, the psyche has been summoned. Often it feels like wandering the food court in a shopping mall. While hungry, nothing smells good or seems likely to satisfy the craving. This is one of those times when the smart phone needs grabbing and a stream of what wanders the seemingly random consciousness might reveal the next major creative evolution from the inner artist. Jot things on a napkin. Doodle. Draw in the sand with a stick. You can always snap a pic of the rendering with your phone. Indeed, this hangry is about fulfilling the inner artist.

Apply Ceres to Neptune. There is no better time to declare what you have to offer. If declaring the best of your artistry and no one responds, move onto more receptive waters. The Pisces flow knows you are better supported by floating with life’s tides and currents, ending up where you do, sometimes allowing spontaneity to the positioning mechanism to “right time, right place.”

Here’s another detail: if you permit someone else to cut through the fray for your creative attributes, hold your head up and shun the modesty or false modesty of “Aw shucks.” When someone says you are a great artist, writer, code designer, reply, “I am. Thank you for saying so.” Then let opportunities unfold from that set of circumstances.

Here’s yet another thing. In the next days, the south node of the moon meets up with Chiron. If there was ever a time to overcome regrets, embarrassment or shame of not advocating for your inner artist, this is it. Nothing heals the vacancy of being unnoticed better than self declaration and the response to that declaration. Sometimes when one proclaims under Piscean influences, a dab of psychic shock occurs when recognized. It’s a little like, “I just entered the contest. I never imagined I might win.”

So what to do if putting yourself out there is not the most comfortable thing you can imagine yourself doing?

Take time to recognize all your skills, talents and savor every molecule of your inner artist.

Imagine what could be accomplished if that inner artist got turned loose in a studio filled with the stuff of creation.

Ponder why you have these abilities. Is it not some sort of manifestation of the Greater Plan? Are you not part of the greater good?

Imagine what good your artistry will do when spread to its fullest reach.

Imagine how you honor the Creator within full artistic expression.

Breathe it all in and ask, “What comes next? How do you best advocate for your inner artist?”

Then get ready. Sneering Pisces’ way from a square Sagittarius is Saturn. He’s rather amused with all the chatter about creativity. He knows, and intends to prove beyond any doubt, that structure is the backbone of creativity. Reminds Saturn, creativity and the inner artist require:

Daily output of energy. If not in form, all mind spin and imagining must be captured in a manner in which it is not forgotten.

Discipline. Every day, whether a good day or a perfectly horrible day, move your artistry forward.

Believe in your artistry. Avoid shooting your psyche with doubt, despair and frustration with life’s measurable time line. Every day, overnight sensations who’ve been at it for decades come to light.

Have a tangible, real world plan. Assess how much energy that plan will require.

When completing a project/creation, sit with it for 72 hours before putting it out there.

Then, put it out there. Should you not be able to do your inner artist justice, sure consider finding an agent, manager, ombudsman, advocate. As you approach an advocate, you will, in fact, be advocating.

Here’s to the creative spirit and the inner artists of all!

More soon. Next week Skyscraping will be all about Mars and his upcoming retrogradation.